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Communication for development

This is a brief introduction to the Library and its services, for more information check out the Library web. coffe
If you have questions or need help when seeking information, send us an email or sign up for an online search consultation.

Opening hours and contacts

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Getting access


Some books on the reading lists are available as library ebooks. 

You find these ebooks in Libsearch, the library's search tool, alongside the printed versions. Search for a specific book title, or search any subject and limit to Source Types > eBooks. 

In the library's E-book guide you can read more about the library's ebooks, how to print pages and chapters, or downloading a whole book.

Journal articles

​You search for journal articles in Libsearch. Refine your search to Scholarly and peer reviewed or Academic journal to filter out articles from scholarly journals. The default setting is limited to what's available at the library, Electronic and printed material via the library, but you can easily expand your search by changing the limiter.

You can also use Google Scholar to find articles from academic publishers and researchers. It’s a great alternative to Libsearch. Customize Google Scholar by adding the link to journals available at Malmö University: Google Scholar > Settings > Library Links > search for Malmö University > select and save Malmö University - Fulltext via Mau
Short guide to Google Scholar 

Journals A-Z Search for a specific journal title and check which years the library have access.

Databases A-Z Databases available via the library.

Stay current with Browzine

Read the library's electronic journals on your phone, tablet or directly on the web. With Browzine you can browse the library's journals, collect your favorites, and save and read articles.  

  • Download Browzine app to your smartphone or tablet
  • Choose Malmö University under "Choose Library"
  • Sign in with your computer identity
  • Create your own Browzine account for saved articles and personal bookshelves
