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Urban Business and Development: Real Estate and Transport

Finding data

Swedish National Data Services
In the national SND research data catalogue, you can search for research data from a variety of research disciplines. Some data can be downloaded in the catalogue entry, whereas others are accessible by request.
Geodata portal
Geological data for research, education and cultural work. NB: Only in swedish.
Eurostat provides official statistics within the European Union in various categories.
World Bank Open Data
World Bank Open data provides free access to economic and social statistics.

Managing data


Nvivo is a transcription software. It's installed on all student computers in computer rooms and libraries. It can also be freely downloaded to your personal computer. Nvivo can be used to:

  • Encode and analyse text – for example, interviews, articles or policy documents
  • Import audio, video and images
  • Organise both materials and ideas during the research process

Instructions on how to download Nvivo

Nvivo knowledge base and tips on using Nvivo


Statistical analysis software that enables users to analyze, manage, and produce graphical visualizations of data. Stata is installed on computers in a limited number of computer labs on campus.

Check were Stata i installed on Campus

Geodata Extraction Tool (GET)

Download free geodata through the Geodata Extraction Tool. Choose Malmö university as organisation, proceed with your Computer ID.

Geodata Extraction Tool