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English Studies: Literature

Saving searches and articles

It is a good idea to save your searches in some form to be able to go back and continue working with them later. For instance, you take a screen shot or copy your search strings from the databases. You can also create an account and save your searches and interesting articles directly in the database. This is how you do it in MLA International Bibliography:

Create an account

  1. Click "Sign in"
  2. Sign in using your Google account or scroll down to "Don't have an account?" at the end of the page and click "Create one now". 

Save your searches

  1. Click "Search history"

  2. Select the search you wish to save

  3. Click "Save searches/Alerts"

  4. Name your search, click "Save" and "Continue"

  5. You can now find your saves searches under "Folder"

Save articles

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Click the blue folder icon next to an article
  3. You can find your saved articles under "Folder"
  4. You can also click on an article to email it, create a citation or export it to a reference management program.