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Creative Commons

The licences

CC licenses are made up of a selection of license elements, there are four elements and a total of six possible combinations. The available licenses are listed below. All CC licenses require that proper attribution (BY) is given to the creator of the original work. Beyond that the creator can:

  • require that any adaptations are shared under the same license (ShareAlike). 
  • prohibit commercial use (NonCommercial). It is the use and not the user that matters. 
  • prohibit any adaptations from being shared publically (NoDerivatives).


CC BY: Allows people to use and adapt the work for any purpose (even commercially) as long as they give credit to the creator. Most funding agencies and the university library recommend this license. 
CC BY-SA: The Attribution-ShareAlike license allows people to use and adapt the work for any purpose (even commercially), as long as they give credit to the creator. Any adaptations they share must have the same license.
CC BY-NC: The Attribution-NonCommercial license allows people to use the work, or adaptations of the work, for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give credit to the creator.
CC BY-NC-SA: The Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license allows people to use and adapt the work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give credit to the creator. Any adaptations they share must have the same license.
CC BY-ND: The Attribution-NoDerivatives license allows people to use the unadapted work for any purpose (even commercially), as long as they give credit to the creator. They may also adapt the work for their own personal use but may not share any adaptations publicly.
CC BY-NC-ND: The Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license is the most restrictive license. It allows people to use the unadapted work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give credit to the creator. They may not share any adaptations publicly.